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Pow(d)erfrauen on Tour: Snow & Sustainability

Innsbruck/ Kühtai: Pow(d)erfrauen on Tour: Snow & Sustainability | MICE Ladies Trip

Diese Reise stand ganz unter dem Motto Nachhaltigkeit! Grundidee war es, die Teilnehmerinnen eine nachhaltige Reise mit allen Sinnen erleben zu lassen die Perspektiven erweitert, Mut zur nachhaltigen Event-Planung macht, mit ganz konkreten Ideen inspiriert und gleichzeitig auch noch jede Menge Spaß macht!

Dazu haben wir unsere Reise offiziell nach dem österreichischen Umweltzeichen „Green Meetings“ zertifiziert und die gesamte Reise entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette auf Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte ausgerichtet.

Bereits im Vorfeld hatten wir mit unseren Teilnehmerinnen eng kommuniziert und zur Anreise im Zug angeregt – wovon fast alle Gebrauch gemacht hatten! Die weiteste Anreise per Zug einer Teilnehmerin war aus Berlin, die wir natürlich so richtig gefeiert haben!

Powd(er)frauen on Tour Ski Kühtai 2023 - Banner

Neben den vielen nachhaltigen Programm-Ideen unserer Reise war unser Sustainability Talk am ersten Tag eines der zentralen Elemente der Reise.
Im inspirierenden Ambiente auf der Dachterrassen-Bar des VAYA Kühtai konzipiert als Stakeholder Dialog und moderiert von unserer MICE Ladies Gründerin Tanja Knecht, förderte der Talk den Austausch der Einkäuferseite mit der Supplierseite. Anbieterseitig waren dies Christine Keth, Geschäftsführerin Innsbruck Convention Bureau, Lukas Reich, Regionalleiter Kühtai-Sellraintal bei Tourismusverband Innsbruck und seine Feriendörfer und Theresa Geißel, Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte Innsbruck Tourismus. Die Buyerseite war facettenreich durch unsere MICE Ladies Teilnehmerinnen vertreten – mit Planerinnen aus Agenturen, Unternehmen sowie top Freelancerinnen. Unser Stakeholder-Dialog baute diese wichtige Brücke zwischen unseren Planerinnen und der Anbieterseite – Destination, Convention Bureau, Locations und Hotellerie.

Ganz offen diskutierten wir Anforderungen, Wünsche und Bedürfnisse auf beiden Seite und benannten auch „Painpoints“ – denn nur zusammen und in einer neuen Qualität der Buyer-Supplier-Beziehung – können wir unsere gemeinsamen großen Herausforderungen schaffen. Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit war ein zentrales Thema im Dialog und wir diskutierten u.a. auch, wie Planer sich aus der Dienstleister- in die Beraterrolle des Kunden entwickeln und begeben können!

Unser Programm kann 1:1 für kleine feine Gruppen oder Teambuildings übertragen werden – das Team von Innsbruck Convention unterstützt gerne!

Tag 1

Los ging es am Innsbrucker Hauptbahnhof, wo wir uns direkt in der Bahnhofshalle getroffen und die Ladies direkt nach ihrer Ankunft mit dem Zug in Empfang genommen haben. Eine wunderbare Stadtführung durch das vorweihnachtliche Innsbruck stimmte uns auf die kommenden Tage ein. Die alpin-urbane Stadt im Herzen der Alpen verbindet Kultur und Natur, Höhen und Tiefen, Tradition und Trends wie keine andere Region – hier koexistieren verbindet extreme Gegensätze auf charmanter Weise mit viel Herzlichkeit.

Nach unserer informativen wie lustigen Stadt-Tour ging es zum traditionsreichen Christkindlmarkt am Goldenen Dachl wo wir uns bei einer Tasse dampfenden Glühwein so richtig auf die kommenden Tage einstimmten und kennenlernten – lecker kulinarisch begleitet von leckeren Kiachl mit Kraut oder für die Liebhaberinnen der süßen Leckereien mit Preiselbeeren.

Viel Spaß hatten wir bei unserer Fahrt mit dem öffentlichen Postbus durch die verträumte Winterlandschaft über eine Bergstraße durch das Sellraintal bis auf über 2.000 Höhenmeter ins verschneite Kühtai. Dies hatten wir als Nachhaltigkeits-Element bereits im Vorfeld angekündigt und alle freuten sich schon sehr auf das Erlebnis! Denn: es muss nicht immer der exklusive Bus-Shuttle sein!

Kühtai, der höchstgelegene Wintersportort Österreichs (abseits der Gletscher) – das ist reine Bergluft, traumhafte Natur und ein traumhaftes Alpenpanorama als Kulisse für unvergessliche Erlebnisse. Das VAYA Kühtai direkt am Hang gelegen mit seiner modern-alpinen Architektur, wunderschönen Zimmern und einem spektakulären Wellnessbereich öffnete als Gastgeber unserer Reise seine Türen. Bei Tiroler Schmankerl, gutem Wein und viel Spaß endete unser aufregender erster Tag!

Tag 2

Slow Travel war auch beim Frühstück unser Motto und jeder Teilnehmerin stand es frei, auszuschlafen oder das köstliche und gesunde VAYA-Frühstück am MICE Ladies Tisch zu genießen.

Erstes Highlight: unser Sustainability Talk. Nach unserem ausgiebigen Frühstück startete unser Tag mit den Themen Nachhaltigkeit und sanfter Tourismus in der Meetingbranche. Tanja, Christine Keth, Geschäftsführerin des Convention Bureau Innsbruck und Theresa Geißel, Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte bei Innsbruck Tourismus, griffen in einer offenen Diskussionsrunde aktuelle Themen auf und regtem zum Dialog an, bei dem verschiedene Erfahrungen zum Thema Green Meetings und Green Events ausgetauscht wurden.

Danach ging es ab in den Schnee – warm und wetterfest eingepackt für lustige, nachhaltige und unvergessliche Wintererlebnisse startete unsere Gruppe  ins Winterwonderland! Beim Aufstieg mit den Schneeschuhen kamen wir ganz schön ins Schwitzen und die ein oder andere Teilnehmerin konditionell auch gut an ihre Grenzen. Das ein oder andere mal war auch zu hören: „ab sofort mache ich wieder mehr Sport!“

Schneeschuhwandern als nachhaltige Alternative zum Skifahren ist ein Riesenspaß und ein nachhaltiges Naturerlebnis – noch dazu wenn es – wie bei uns – gerade frisch geschneit hatte! Wir tauchten tief ein in die winterliche Umgebung und stapften mit unseren Schneeschuhen durch den frischen unverspurten Tiefschnee. Im Gänsemarsch, fachkundig und sicher angeleitet von unserem persönlichen Guide, schraubten wir uns immer höher den Berg hinauf, entlang der Naturrodelbahn.

Nächster Programmpunkt: unser gemütliches Tiroler Mittagstisch im Graf-Ferdinand-Haus auf 2.150 Metern mit herrlichem Ausblick über Kühtai bis zu den Ötztaler Alpen. Und dann das Mittagessen! Spinat- oder Kaspressknödel oder doch lieber Kasspatzn? Und zum Nachtisch ein frisch gemachter Kaiserschmarrn! Alles war unglaublich lecker! Und nebenbei vertieften wir in anregenden Gesprächen die Talk-Runde vom morgen. Die Gespräche entwickelten sich wie von selbst: informativ, inspirierend und lustig zugleich und reichten von nachhaltigen Programmideen über spannende neue Arbeitsmodelle, die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie bis hin zur richtigen Work-Life-Balance – bereichernd!

Nach dem Mittagessen wurden flugs die Schneeschuhe gegen Rodeln getauscht und es ging unter großem Gelächter und mit Schneegestöber bergab ins Tal zurück. Wie die Top-Athleten am nächsten Tag, rauschten die MICE-Ladies – natürlich mit Helm – hinunter ins Tal auf der alten Naturrodel-Strecke. Das klappte bei den einen schneller, bei den anderen etwas ruhiger aber zurück im Tal waren sich alle einig: “das war ein riesiger Spaß!”

Slow Travel: Zeit für VAYA Kühtai – Zeit für Wellness!

Am späten Nachmittag ging es zu Fuß zum historischen habsburgischen Jagdschloss, direkt im Ort gelegen – auf 2.020 Metern Seehöhe ein architektonisch einzigartiges historisches Hotel, welches dieses Jahr mit dem Österreichischen Umweltzeichen im Bereich Green Hotel zertifiziert wurde. Ob für Genuss- und Traditionsliebhaber, Architekturfans oder Sportbegeisterte – das Jagdschloss Resort Kühtai ist ein Sehnsuchtsort und ein Lieblingsplatz inmitten der Tiroler Alpen bekannt für seine kaiserliche Geschichte.

Bereits 1497 pachtete Kaiser Maximilian I. die damalige Kuhalm und nutzte die Region als exklusiven Jagdgrund. Und natürlich waren auch Kaiserin Sissi und ihr Kaiser Franz häufig zu Gast im Jagdschloss! Der Hausherr Vinzenz Triendl empfing uns an der gemütlichen Feuerstelle mit Glühwein und Maroni persönlich und berichtete historische spannende – und unbekannte – Begebenheiten im und rund um das Schloss. Natürlich besichtigen wir den historischen Weinkeller bei einer leckeren Verkostung edler Tropfen, die legendäre und wunderschön restaurierte Bar ebenso wie das original erhaltene Sissi-Zimmer!

Im wunderschönen Fürstenzimmer speisten wir köstlich altösterreichisch mehrgängig mit edler Weinbegleitung auf historischen Spuren und ließen die aufregenden Tage Revue passieren – ein herrlich lustiger Abend mit geichzeitig tiefgründigen Gesprächen! Mit vollen Mägen und warmen Herzen wanderten wir durch Kühtai bis hoch in unsere Unterkunft, das VAYA Hotel – ein spannender Kontrast zum historischen Schloß-Feeling!

Tag 3

Dieses Jahr fand eine Premiere statt, denn am 16. und 17. Dezember wurde auf der neuen Naturrodelbahn in Kühtai erstmals ein Weltcuprennen ausgetragen. Hier versammelten sich die weltbesten Athlet:innen, um die begehrten ersten Punkte im Gesamtweltcup zu ergattern. Am letzten Tag unserer Reise fanden die Trainingsläufe der Profisportler:innen statt, die wir live miterleben konnten. Wir standen direkt an der Strecke, wo die Rodler hautnah an uns vorbei sausten – welch beeindruckende Leistung und ein einmaliges sportliches Erlebnis!, live dabei zu sein!

Nach dem Frühstück ging es zu Fuß zum Zieleinlauf, wo wir das Nationentraining Damen und Herren besuchten – spannend und aufregend! Und natürlich lernten wir gleich einige Athleten kennen, die uns von ihrer spannenden Sportart berichteten.

Danach hieß es Abschied nehmen und die Teilnehmerinnen machten sich auf zu ihrer Heimreise in alle Regionen Deutschlands sowie die Schweiz. Die herzliche Verabschiedung der Damen zeigte auf, dass wir durch unser sinnstiftendes Programm und den herzlichen sowie tiefgründigen Austausch zu nachhaltigen Events, zur Transformation unserer Branche, zum neuen Miteinander und durch viele spannende, lehrreiche und spaßige Programmpunkte eine ganz besondere Verbindung geschaffen haben – und die Vorfreude auf das nächste Wiedersehen schon groß ist!

Unsere 6 „Nachhaltigkeits-Hacks“ für unsere Reise:


  • Nachhaltigkeits-Hack #1
    Anreise – fast alle Teilnehmerinnen reisten nachhaltig mit der Bahn an!
  • Nachhaltigkeits-Hack #2
    Transfers vor Ort mit dem Postauto oder zu Fuss
  • Nachhaltigkeits-Hack #3
    Auswahl unserer Partner – Unsere Partner wurden entweder bereits selbst zertifiziert (Jagdschloss Kühtai) oder haben Nachhaltigkeit als hohen Standard innerhalb ihrer Produkt- und Service-Wertschöpfungskette integriert
  • Nachhaltigkeits-Hack #4
    Kommunikation im Vorfeld für den Mindset-Change: Wir haben in der gesamten Vorkommunikation auf kreative Art und Weise Nachhaltigkeit zum Thema So war beispielsweise die Postbus-Anreise nach Kühtai offizieller Bestandteil des Programms, auf das sich die Teilnehmer richtig freuten!
  • Nachhaltigkeits-Hack #5
    Nachhaltiges Schneeprogramm im Skigebiet: Wir stapften zu Fuß mit Schneeschuhen durch den Tiefschnee und rasten mit dem Schlitten ins Tal und hatten jede Menge Spaß!
  • Nachhaltigkeits-Hack #6
    Unsere Mahlzeiten waren nahezu fleischfrei und falls Fleisch angeboten wurde, stammte dies aus regionalen Quellen.

Ansprechpartner für diese – und andere – MICE-Erlebnisse:

Pow(d)erfrauen on Tour:
Snow & Sustainability auf 2.000 m
von Innsbruck bis Kühtai

Ski meets Tradition South Tyrol

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

WOW – just WOW! Still full of wonderful impressions, moments and encounters, we want to share our experiences with you all. This trip can also be “relived” or booked for smaller groups and incentives! You are welcome to proactively suggest this program to your customers 1:1 – Meet Südtirol will be happy to support you with the detailed planning.

MICE Ladies Trip Ski meets tradition nach Südtirol Dezember 2022

Feel South Tyrol and nature, experience culture:
Team building with a difference

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

Our South Tyrol adventure “Ski meets Tradition” from December 15th to 18th, 2022 was about showing this wonderful MICE destination from a completely different side: small, fine, traditional and very personal!

Put together with a lot of love and creativity, our program led us to real insider tips and corners of South Tyrol that you don’t normally think of right away. We got to know exciting personalities who introduced us to their South Tyrol – with heart, soul and delicious cuisine.

We also got to know event possibilities for new, innovative small formats that combine experience elements with new work and team building out of the box: ideal for smaller team meetings with an experience and personal development character.

Especially now – in the time of transformation – new event formats that can combine experience with innovation are coming into focus and easily accessible destinations that can offer real experiences in and with nature score!

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

Day 1 – Thursday Dec, 15th 2022

Our program started on Thursday in Meran. The first stop was the Ausser Schwemmalm in the Ulten Valley – we went up with the gondola and a romantic winter wonderland awaited us at the top! The rustic Alm is a wonderful location for meetings high up on the mountain, combined with South Tyrolean specialties.

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

After our delicious lunch – our first South Tyrolean culinary delight, which was to be followed by many more – we playfully integrated a coaching session in the snow, conducted by the South Tyrolean psychologist and leadership coach Paul Felix Rigo. Paul has specialized in coaching and personality development in the powerful nature of South Tyrol and inspires with a lot of empathy, sensitivity and energy. This gave each of the participants a personal impulse that had a long-lasting effect and repeatedly provided topics of conversation during our further journey – exactly the anticipated effect, which shows that a reflection and a change of perspective is underway. Can be integrated wonderfully into smaller groups!

These personal development elements can be ideally combined with a supporting program by Illenia Coster, whose DMC – originally specialized in wedding planning – now also offers very personal, natural experiences and incentive programs.

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

We continued in Ulten, where we got to know real South Tyrolean power women: the female beer makers from Ulten! They experiment with a wide variety of raw materials and recipes on their brewery. In short: Every creative idea is tried! The results are varied: from Fichten-Bock, Käuter-Ale, Elder-Wheat, Whisky-Vanilla-Stout, Hibiskus-Season to the classic Helle and Doppelbock. A perfect and fun start to our travel adventure – and of course we tasted some of the innovative beers!

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

In beautiful Meran we had time for the breathtaking rooftop wellness area with outdoor pool of the Hotel Therme, our first overnight stop. The view over the Christmas market, the ice rink and the Merano mountains is simply magnificent!

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

Day 2 – Friday, Dec, 16th 2022

Today we got to know beautiful Meran from the perspective of strong women – it started with our personal city guide, who accompanied us on an educational walk through the city and explained the background and events of the individual buildings and squares with historical, sometimes very emotional stories. The starting point was the Women’s Museum in Meran, which can be ideally integrated into a program.

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

A culinary highlight was our lunch in the Restaurant Kuppelrain, which has had a Michelin star since 2001 and is a family business that has been run for generations with a lot of passion and attention to detail. Definitely let it be shown: The wine cellar of senior boss Sonya, who received the Michelin Sommelier Award in 2022.

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

Our afternoon today was dedicated to the topic of transformation and impact! We got to know a really cool new work location that is unique in the region – and beyond: Basis Vinschgau. We were impressed by its developer, CEO and founder Hannes Goetsch, who transformed the former barracks site into a hub of encounters, social and sustainable impact with a lot of vision and energy. This is where research meets New Work, young meets young at heart, old meets new. This is where bridges are built and collaborated – this is how the existing can be transformed and the new created. There are fantastic possibilities for MICE events: from creative meetings out of the box to stimulating conferences or the party of the century with the latest technology in old walls. Amazing!

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

We spent the evening and night in the delightful Gasthof zum Riesen, which with its eight individual rooms is ideal for a buy-out. Our hostess Alexandra dell’Agnolo looked after us lovingly and very personally and shared with us her story and that of the historic inn, the origins of which date back to 1478! We were spoiled with culinary delights by the farmer’s wife Monika, who explained to us with a big smile what she was serving us. A down-to-earth and impressive South Tyrolean, a cook with heart and soul. There was a delicious South Tyrolean barley soup, followed by a hearty snack with home-baked Venosta bread made from home-grown grain and donuts with home-made jam for dessert. delicious!

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

Day 3 – Saturday Dec, 17th 2022

After a fine South Tyrolean breakfast, we started early today: our day of skiing in Val Senals! In great anticipation, we rented the latest equipment – skis, boots and poles – from the ski rental at the valley station before heading up to over 3000 meters above sea level – the only glacier ski area in South Tyrol. The two South Tyrolean power ladies and ski instructors Evelyn Gurschler and Angelika Grüner, both former racers, whizzed down the slopes with us. The two have founded their heart project with Alpine Rose Adventures and offer brand new holistic sports, yoga and outdoor experiences.

Perfect skiing conditions and bright sunshine accompanied us – what could be nicer? We were spoiled with culinary delights at lunchtime at the Lazaun Hütte with South Tyrolean delicacies – delicious!

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

After the day of skiing, Josef Grüner, junior boss of the Schutzhütte Schöne Aussicht refuge, picked us up with his snow cat – great fun, especially since the brave ones were allowed to be pulled along! A lovingly prepared high alpine refuge at 2,845 meters above sea level with beautiful views, run with a lot of passion by Paul Grüner and his son Josef has been offering alpinists shelter, food and a place to sleep in both summer and winter since 1896. An endless summit panorama opens up in the middle of the glacier area. Here you experience the feeling of being without limits! And if you like, you can trudge through the snow into the rustic wooden sauna barrel and the whirlpool with a view of the summit in the afternoon for a wellness experience in a class of its own!

Meetings up here is an absolute insider tip and an unforgettable experience – either the cool igloo is available for this or a newly built modern wooden hut with state-of-the-art facilities and a magnificent view of the mountains.

Josef spoiled us with a rustic 4-course menu and late at night invited us to his new lifestyle drink, which he had invented himself the day before and which he is convinced will be the next hit on one of his legendary Techno and Kaiserschmarrn parties in the igloo: vodka tea bags 😊

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

Day 4 – Sunday Dec, 18th 2022

A crowning conclusion of our “Ski meets Tradition” trip: our visit to the historic 700-year-old Oberniederhof in Val Senales with a very special atmosphere! With senior boss Johann aka Johnny we were experienced a cheese school, made our own cheese and learned a lot of new things about the different types of cheese. A mindfulness practice and activity that brings grounding and muse. The cheese school is suitable for small groups who want to experience a traditional adventure program close to nature – which can be perfectly combined with outdoor experiences in both summer and winter. In and around the farm you can hold wonderful meetings and celebrate – with regional specialties and a focus on tradition and appreciation for the old stock.

The mountain farmer Petra, originally from Berlin, told us her very personal life and love story over a delicious lunch in the large holiday apartment – centuries old and with the large table also suitable for small, fine meetings – which brought her from lively Berlin to a Val Senales mountain farm. Inspiring and enriching – and a wonderful end to a very special journey.

MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol
MICE Ladies "Ski meets Tradition" – the Winter Edition in Südtirol

Thanks to all service providers and Meet Südtirol for these four days full of impressions, nature, impulses, inspiration, encounters, meeting ideas and deep connections! As always, you can incorporate all ideas into your next events and offer them to your customers if innovation formats and fresh ideas are desired. The Meet Südtirol team looks forward to your inquiry!

Contact for these – and other – MICE experiences:

Ski meets Tradition in South Tyrol

Business & Balance St. Moritz

Alpine Classic Pullman Wagen der Rhätische Bahn – Albulalinie || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:

A wonderful journey lies behind us, which brought us, in the spirit of “Business & Balance”, from lively Zurich to St. Moritz, where we were able to spend wonderful days in the most beautiful sunshine!

MICE Ladies Trip Business and Balance St Moritz Oktober 2022

Traveling with us: selected corporate and agency planners from the D-A-CH region, who have set out to experience a very special kind of travel adventure together and at the same time get to know a MICE destination from its most beautiful side. Like all of our trips, this 4-day travel experience can also be planned as a team building, incentive or high-end group trip!

MICE Ladies mit Romana Six im Hotel Ruby Mimi – Zürich || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:
Hotel Ruby Mimi Kino – Zürich || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:

It all started on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 in the stylish Lean Luxury Ruby Mimi Hotel, a lavishly renovated former cinema with a really cool design in a prime central location in Zurich. There we met Romana Six, head of MICE operations for RUBY Hotels, who gave us an exciting update on the expansion of the RUBY hotel brand. The philosophy of the Ruby Hotels suits us perfectly, because every hotel is named after a strong woman of the past or present! The Lean Luxury concept of the hotel chain with antiques and collectibles that have been translated and repurposed into our time is absolutely contemporary and sustainable!

Alina Russ von Lola's Kitchen – Zürich || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:
Lola's Kitchen – Zürich || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:

In the evening we got to know Zurich from a very special side during an inspiring “Walking & Dining Tour”. It all started at Bridge where Alina Russ, founder of Lola´s Kitchen – the first vegan, gluten- and sugar-free cake shop in Switzerland – presented her inspiring founding story. We learned from her how she founded her startup in 2017 with zero capital via Instagram – and of course we were also allowed to taste her delicious delicacies.

Stadtkäserei – Zürich || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:
Stadtkäserei – Zürich || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:

After a short walk through the old town, we went to the city cheese dairy Stadtkäserei, where we were spoiled with “hearty vegetarian” and the boss, Harry, personally introduced us to the MICE possibilities the city cheese dairy has to offer! And that’s a lot!

The journey is the goal: Next Stop St. Moritz!

Alpine Classic Pullman Wagen der Rhätische Bahn – Albulalinie || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:
Alpine Classic Pullman Wagen der Rhätische Bahn – Albulalinie || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:

Early the next morning we continued: Sustainably à la SWISSTAINABLE we started by train to Chur, where it said: “Change to the legendary Pullman of the Albula line”! From Chur we drove exclusively in the 1st class wagon of the world-famous Albulalinie of the Rhaetian Railway in the 120-year-old Alpine Classic Pullman on the panoramic route to St. Moritz – a UNESCO Heritage trip!

Alpine Classic Pullman Wagen der Rhätische Bahn – Albulalinie || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:
Alpine Classic Pullman Wagen der Rhätische Bahn – Albulalinie || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz // Bild:

With many WOWs and OOHs, we went through a grandiose and impressive landscape, first through gentle hills and then passages with viaducts and tunnels that became increasingly rocky. The historic train made the journey itself an experience and part of the program, perfectly cared for by the nicest employee of the Rhaetian Railway with champagne and pastries. We used the time to get to know each other in a different way with a team coaching – a wonderful and very personal start!

MICE Ladies auf der Corvatsch Bergstation (3.303 m) || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
ORMA Whisky Destillerie in der Corvatsch Bergstation (3.303 m) || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

Immediately after our arrival in St. Moritz we went up to the Corvatsch at 3303 m above sea level. – Top of the world! – where we ate wonderfully: chestnut soup with a hint of whiskey, gersotto with saffron and, for dessert, polenta and lemon cake with a root berry and whiskey garnish. On the trail of whiskey as a leitmotif, we then visited the ORMA Whisky Destillerie: the highest in the world high up on the Engadin mountain plateau. Rinaldo, the founder himself, reported in an emotional and fascinating way how he and a friend made a dream come true: their own whiskey distillery. And of course, a tasting could not be missing – an absolute highlight for groups!

Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
MICE Ladies im Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

Our home for the next two nights: the idyllically located and beautiful owner-managed 5*Hotel Waldhaus Sils – a traditional hotel legend of the Swiss grand hotel industry, in the middle of the breathtaking nature of the Engadine mountains with a view of Lake Sils! We were personal guests of the owner family, who are the fifth generation to run the house “without airs and graces but with character”.

historische „Room-Service“ System der Bel Etage – Flurina Caviezel Marketing- und Verkaufschefin vom Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

Values and sustainability are very important in the Waldhaus Sils: the historical “room service” system on the Bel Etage can still be seen in its original condition and in its original location – even if it is no longer functional. Preserving the old and combining it with the new is something that the Waldhaus team solves with bravura and ease. This is how islands of tranquility are created, where you can stop the time in a pleasant way and find yourself and the magnificent nature of the surroundings.

Always at our side: Marketing and Sales Manager Flurina Caviezel, who enriched our stay and played a key role in shaping it. Not only is she an impressive personality and sports ace who grew up on skis and snowboards in and around St. Moritz and then spent many years in Canada before moving back to her homeland, she also creates wonderful travel and event programs with that special something. In addition to a lot of creativity and attention to detail, her extensive knowledge of her homeland and nature, which she was happy to share with us, always flows into this.

Waldhaus-Spa im Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild: Waldhaus Sills |

Photo: Waldhaus Sills |

Waldhaus-Spa im Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild: Waldhaus Sills |

Photo: Waldhaus Sills |

Impressive and breathtaking: The SPA and wellness area, which is located in the middle of the mountain and is almost invisible from the outside – except for the large panorama window, which appears to lead directly into the mountain from the outside. The afternoon we had time to enjoy the beautiful Waldhaus SPA! We had our completely vegetarian dinner in the Waldhaus in the Arvenstube – the “Zirbenstube”!

Hiking with goats: leadership challenge accepted!

After a great breakfast á la Waldhaus with a lovingly laid table, we started Thursday with an exciting edu session exclusively for our group: Karin Breitenstein presented us with the MICE opportunities in St. Moritz and the surrounding area.

Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
Wandern mit Ziegen || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

Then we went to a highlight of our trip: Our hike from St. Moritz to Pontresina with goats. A very special experience – made possible by the Engadine native Nicole Buess from Minigeiss Dinigeiss and her flock of goats! She told us her touching and heartwarming story of how the herd of goats found their new home and “job” with her. An inspiring story because she followed her heart and something wonderful came out of it! Each of our participants got their “own” goat – or rather, their “own billy goat”, which had to be led by the halter. Each of the gentlemen has their very own personality that had to be adjusted to – aha moments guaranteed!

Wandern mit Ziegen || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
Wandern mit Ziegen || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

A hike with goats is not only a very fresh idea, but also extremely enriching in terms of content: the animals reflect us humans and thus challenge us to come into our authenticity. A very special experience and wonderfully suited for incentives, team building and smaller groups.

Team coaching in nature!

Team-Coaching in der Natur am Stazersee || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
Team-Coaching in der Natur am Stazersee || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

Another highlight awaited us on the lake circuit: Part 2 of the team coaching, where we introduced each other. A gentle coaching unit where we got to know and connect more deeply as a group. We then went along the Stazersee on a level route to Pontresina to the beautiful Hotel Saratz, where we got to know the congress and conference facilities and where we were strengthened by a delicious cake buffet. The Kongress-Center in Pontresina is equipped with the latest technology – wonderful for larger events for up to 450 people who would like to combine tradition with modernity! That view!

Hotel Saratz || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
Kongress Center Pontresina || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

That light! That air! This view!

Mit der Muottas-Muragl-Standseilbahn zum Romantikhotel Muottas Muragl || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
MICE Ladies auf der Terrasse vom Romantikhotel Muottas Muragl || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

Just as the journey to St. Moritz itself was an experience, so was the drive to our evening. With the Muottas-Muragl funicular, the oldest mountain railway in Graubünden, which was built for tourist purposes, we traveled a distance of 2201 meters and a 56 percent incline to our next destination at 2456 meters above sea level: the romantic Romantikhotel Muottas Muragl. In 1907, the Muottas-Muragl railway rattled up the scenic mountain, which was already popular at the time.

MICE Ladies Romantikhotel Muottas Muragl || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:
Ausblick vom Romantikhotel Muottas Muragl || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

A wonderful location awaited us at 2,456 meters, ideally suited for smaller groups and incentives. Sustainability is a top priority here: in 2010 the establishment was named the first plus-energy hotel in the Alps. So it produces more energy than it consumes. The clocks run slower on the Muottas Muragl. Active and conscious doing nothing is celebrated on the mountain of pleasure in the Engadin. We were up there in time for the “blue hour” and were allowed to enjoy a sundowner on the terrace. Just wow!

Early Morning-Yoga with Ursina Badilatti

Yoga mit Ursina Badilatti || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:


Ursina Badilatti im Waldhaus Sils || MICE Ladies Business & Balance St. Moritz Engadin // Bild:

Our wonderful days went by far too quickly! On Friday, the last day, it was said “The early morning catches the worm”. Today we got to know another impressive female personality from the region: Ursina Badilatti, who as a top athlete in the Swiss cross-country skiing national team was a multiple Olympic participant and still holds records in the well-known Engadin women’s run. Ursina then shared with us her inspiring personal story – how she went to Berlin after her professional sports career to “find” herself again and to define herself beyond being an athlete. And how she came back to the Engadin and now with great passion as a yoga teacher, consultant and new mum in the spirit of “still your mind, move your body” combines her heart topics into a big whole.

Adieu, uf Wiederluega und auf Wiedersehen St. Moritz – we will definitely be back!

Contact for these – and other – MICE experiences:

Engadin St. Moritz Tourismus AG
Convention Services

Hotel Waldhaus Sils
Flurina Caviezel
Head of Sales & PR

Business & Balance – das St. Moritz Experience der MICE Ladies

BODY, MIND & SOUL South Tyrol

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

Four days in South Tyrol. Four days full of impressions, inspiration and emotions. Four days with wonderful women and their stories. Four days full of MICE ideas and inspiration! South Tyrol showed our MICE Ladies group probably its most beautiful side from 23rd to 26th June 2022 and we were able to see, taste, smell, hear and above all: feel this dreamlike destination with all our senses.

MICE Ladies Trip Body Mind & Soul Südtirol Juni 2022

South Tyrol was once again the fantastic setting for a MICE Ladies Trip – which was so much more than “just” a wonderful trip. Once again we networked with strong and fascinating women from South Tyrol, laughed and had profound conversations, inspired and touched each other and got to know this versatile MICE destination with its almost endless possibilities and ideas for unforgettable MICE experiences very deeply.

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022 // Anna Matscher
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

The perfect basis for “deep talk”, for the dialogue between our planners and the representatives of the destination South Tyrol as well as inspiring conversations with other entrepreneurs and MICE providers from the region. On this trip, we also wanted to illuminate the current changes, challenges and transformations and discuss how events can make a positive contribution to these developments. We talked intensively about the changes in our business event industry, about challenges and new “business needs”, about “new work” and above all about new, sustainable and contemporary MICE formats that have a positive effect and thus support change.

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

A big question we asked ourselves is:

“How can we design events in the future that on the one hand serve people, promote personal development and at the same time provide answers to the major current challenges from a company perspective – employee retention, identity creation, addressing new employees, employer branding?”

When designing this MICE Ladies Trip, we therefore made it our goal to provide practical examples and also to play a somewhat “pioneer” role for these new, deeper encounters within the framework of business events. Because this is exactly what South Tyrol is ideally suited for as a holistic incentive and meeting destination: the imposing natural backdrop that is unique in the world, the many inspiring personalities, the cuisine, the diversity of cultures, traditions paired with high tech and globality offer the perfect setting for deeper encounters and lasting experiences.

Combined with the fascinating hotel industry in South Tyrol, it is probably the best stage imaginable for a special kind of team building, for unforgettable group experiences and next-level incentives.

This time it was: The breathtaking and newly opened Sensoria Dolomites in Seis, which we were able to get to know through a very special hotel tour with the hostess and her personal story. The Aeon in Soprabolzano, a boutique hotel for the soul with a very special exterior and interior concept that encourages a change of perspective with an almost endless view over the plateau. The Hotel Schwarzschmied iin Lana, which makes you swarm with its blooming and fragrant lavender garden and magnificent pool. The impressive Icaro high up on the Alpe di Siusi, which with its wonderfully eclectic style always provides exciting impressions. And the traditional yet stylish Castel Fragsburg, Luxury Hideaway & Soul Retreat with its own associated castle – an experience in a class of its own that is almost at a loss for words.

True to the MICE Ladies concept of making our host destinations come alive with impressive women from the region and their offers that can be integrated into business events, our participants got to know a large number of fascinating female personalities – our initiators – in these four days. Here we go, in the order of our program

Bozen: Sheroe 1

Antje Pfahl-Signoretto, Head of Marketing at La Munt, the mountain sports brand by women for women.

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

Our tour started in Bolzano in the imposing Salewa/Oberalp building, where we met Antje. With her, we took a look beyond our industry and gained interesting insights into the La Munt sustainability strategy, including the certification of production processes and the sustainable consideration of the entire value chain. We discussed that the apparel and our industry faces the exact same challenges. Exciting insight: The female team spirit at La Munt shows many similarities with our MICE Ladies Travel Tribe approach: Learning from and with each other, sharing experiences in nature and creating deep connections results in a unique culture of meaning, trust and connection. Inspiring!

Seiser Alm: Sheroe 2

Claudia Rier, known as “Claudia from the Dolomites”, destination and business

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022 // Claudia Rier
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

Known as “Claudia from the Dolomites”, destination and business consultant as well as ambassador for SHER, bike sports brand by women for women. With the South Tyrolean power woman we went by e-bike and in our new pink SHER bike shirts over gentle climbs and rapid descents on a pleasure tour on the world-famous Alpe di Siusi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and gateway to the Dolomites.
This tour is ideal for participants of all fitness levels and ages and can therefore be easily integrated into any program. The tour culminated in what was probably the most delicious snack in the world at the Hotel Icaro with a breathtaking mountain backdrop. With Claudia, South Tyrol can be experienced and tasted in a charming, energetic and sporty way – because, in addition to her sporty variety, she is also a sommelier!

Oberbozen: Sheroe 3

Kornelia Schwitzer, founder of SilberQuarzit Experience

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

With Kornelia, our women have experienced a journey to themselves, to their inner core, and have been able to embark on the journey to their own transformation – beyond existing beliefs and blockages. The perfect setting for this was the wellness area with infinity pool at the Aeon in Soprabolzano.

How do you find words for this unique experience? The best way is to ask Kornelia herself – and that’s what we did: “As a South Tyrolean retreat and ritual expert, I am convinced that event planners and companies are required to break new ground that go away from the superficial to the profound. My expertise is based on the experience of more than 5,000 silver quartzite rituals – very efficient transformation rituals developed by me. The secret of my success lies in understanding people within a few minutes and finding out the most personal point that needs to be changed in order to regain lightness and joie de vivre. I draw the knowledge and expertise I need from the traditional cultural and historical treasures of my homeland.”

Kornelia’s rituals can be designed in the form of individual treatments or as an enriching framework for existing events. In addition, Kornelia offers multi-day transformation retreats for body and soul, including in-depth body ceremonies with South Tyrolean mineral and herbal powers, in which she cooperates with transformation coaches.

Kaltern am See: Sheroe 4

Countess Sophie Goess-Enzenberg, hostess and owner, Manincor winery

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

Countess Sophie herself was our hostess during our visit to the Manincor winery in Caldaro Weingut Manincor

in the world-famous wine-growing region on Lake Caldaro. With her husband, Count Michael Goëss-Enzenberg, she developed the impressive winery, which has been producing purely biodynamically since 2006, into the internationally renowned Manincor brand. The gentle handling of living resources is the guiding principle of the count’s family in personal life as well as in the winery. A perfect setting to get closer to these wonderful wines and the concept of biodynamics in viticulture as part of an exclusive winery tour and exclusive tasting.

Excerpts from the website of the Manincor winery also show how important this holistic approach is: “Viticulture and agriculture have a long tradition in our family. We have made it our task to treat this tradition and the great gift of nature with care. With great respect for people, animals and plants, we work holistically, sustainably and future-oriented. Our major goal is to restore and maintain natural cycles. Biodynamic farming only works if it is supported by an inner attitude.” For the participants of our trip, the visit to the winery was both insightful and impressive. Parallels to our industry became clear, in which sustainability as a major challenge only works if it is based on true values as a basic attitude.

Caldaro am See and “all of South Tyrol”: Sheroe 5

Alia Radetti, Owner Dream Beyond DMC

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022 // Alia Radetti
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

The grand finale of our visit to Manincor was the magnificent and lovingly set table in the middle of the vineyards, organized by Alia Radetti, owner of DMC DMC Dream Beyond. With a dream view over Lake Caldaro, we had a fine summer lunch with accompanying wines together with Alia and Countess Sophie. Once again we were speechless at the sight that presented itself to us: the finest historical porcelain, an equally beautiful tablecloth and matching decorations formed a perfect conclusion to our experience.

Alia, another powerful woman from South Tyrol, makes all of this and much more possible with her Destination Management Company in both summer and winter. She is a real bundle of positive energy and radiates pure joie de vivre! Not only is she Italian champion in freeride skiing, she also has the feeling for the perfect atmosphere and the many details that make a MICE experience so unforgettable. She knows every secret tip and conjures up extraordinary experiences for groups and incentives of all sizes in all corners of South Tyrol through all seasons. From midnight snowshoe hikes with campfire romance in winter to culinary highlights in the vineyards in summer, you simply have to experience her creativity.

Castel Fragsburg, magic forest: Sheroe 6

Renate, a modern alchemist and naturopath

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

The Magic Forest is located in the area of the stylish Luxury Hideaway & Soul Retreat Castel Fragsburg and the associated impressive castle. You can get there by taking a walk for all the senses through the dense forest below the castle until you reach a clearing and the view opens up over Meran and the landscape from high above.

Right there, in this magical place, Renate, a modern alchemist and naturopath, has built a little paradise for us. With benches and a cozy carpet on the fragrant forest floor, we listen to her tales and exciting stories about herbal and herbal medicine and how to make ointments, tinctures and herbal drinks yourself. We were also impressed by the Secret Garden – a project for refugees who cultivate Fragsburg’s own vegetable and herb garden and for whom Renate is a valuable companion and mentor. As the crowning glory, we were allowed to taste and try it out ourselves and also take our personal ointment and a wonderful tincture with us.

The castle is a real insider tip – after being vacant for a long time, it was reacquired by the hotel owner and is available for exclusive rentals for groups. You can meet in a wonderfully romantic way in the magnificent inner courtyard with a view of the Merano Alps – like real lords and ladies of the castle, you can dine in the centuries-old, wood-panelled hall. Wonderful exciting experiences on medieval traces! A trip to natural and herbal medicine is an in-depth experience with all the senses, which can be combined with a herbal hike, which rounds off incentive and event programs wonderfully.

Tisens near Meran: Sheroe 7

Anna Matscher, the only female Michelin star chef in South Tyrol

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022 // Anna Matscher
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2022

With Anna Matscher, we were allowed to be guests for the second time with a MICE Ladies group for an exclusive cooking class – a unique experience! The calm that Anna exudes in her kitchen is always particularly impressive, no matter how many dishes are served at the same time. For us, Anna is both a role model and a living female leadership at the same time. For our MICE Ladies Community, which is characterized by female empowerment and mutual inspiration, it is always valuable to get to know strong women in their element and thus in leadership and to be inspired by their leadership qualities.
Her listed monument zum Löwen, has been lovingly restored and expanded with a modern vision. Here everything – including going to the “quiet place” – becomes an experience!

Anna selected and put together a very special vegetarian menu for us: beetroot tartare in Schüttelbrot coating with horseradish sauce, Schüttelbrot tortelli filled with alpine cheese fonduta, nettle cream and yarrow, mushrooms with South Tyrolean mushrooms, marjoram and wild garlic oil, herb soup with red basil sorbet and pineapple sorbet. The feast for the palate and eyes was accompanied by corresponding wines, and we received charming and well-founded advice from Anna’s husband. As a long-lasting half-day program, this unique experience is ideal for smaller groups and incentives who want to experience the culinary delights of the MICE destination South Tyrol through a special class cooking experience program.

A culmination of a wonderful MICE Ladies trip! Equipped with many ideas for creative supporting programmes, culinary highlights and fantastic hotels, our MICE ladies set off on their journey home. And are already looking forward to coming back to South Tyrol with their customers!

MICE Ladies SNOW, SKI & MORE in South Tyrol

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Ski

A wonderful destination experience, personal encounters and soul experiences!

In keeping with the MICE Ladies philosophy “Connecting people through unforgettable and deep experiences in WOW destinations”, the last MICE Ladies Trip of the year took place from December 16th to 19th, 2021: SKI, SNOW & MORE South Tyrol!

A small, fine group of great women – planners of events in MICE agencies, agency owners and independent consultants – accepted the personal invitation of IDM Südtirol, the location and tourism agency of South Tyrol, to this inspirational and strengthening trip to beautiful South Tyrol.

MICE Ladies Trip Ski Snow More Südtirol 2021

And what a precious, inspiring, profound and unforgettable journey that was!!! It came at just the right time at the end of a challenging second COVID-19 year, which brought many new question marks and renewed uncertainties towards the end. Challenges and renewed existential fears on a personal and professional level after we thought the worst was behind us and the industry slowly and carefully breathed a sigh of relief: “When can we finally plan and hold events reliably again?”, “Can my employer do it through it – do I keep my job?” and for the mothers among us also “homeschooling again? – Beware!”

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Sternenhimmel Abendstimmung

Lots of questions, lots of changes, especially for our industry, which thrives on bringing people together and connecting them. And not only but especially for women, who make up a large part of our industry – especially for mothers with the double challenge of “homeschooling and work” but also for freelancers in particular due to the uncertain future – the last two years have been a crucial test, which often went to the emotional and physical limits.

We met this situation with a very special program: with a finely orchestrated mixture of deep personal encounters with yourself and other strong women and at the same time lots of fun and nature experiences in magical South Tyrol. Because right now it is so important to connect, to give each other support, to encourage each other, to exchange experiences and to strengthen each other – professional and private topics were mixed to “just be human” and that is good and right!

The MICE Ladies Community connects wonderful women who, through the very special trips they take together, not only get to know fantastic destinations and their opportunities for events and incentives, but can also take impulses for their personal development with them, according to the motto: “Personality first, business will follow!”

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Glühwein
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More

Sabine Huth, MICE freelancer: “Dear MICE ladies – I can only say a big thank you for these incredible and unforgettable moments and encounters with all these wonderful women. For me it was a very special time with special moments and deep conversations. The destination South Tyrol showed itself in all its splendor and we were able to get to know it from a very special side. I took a lot of energy and strength with me – THANK YOU!”

The fabulous lunch with accompanying wines in the Vinothek Vitis in Brixen provided a wonderful start to this weekend, followed by an exciting workshop with Ursula Pichler from the newly founded DMC Lafain, in which the participants shared their valuable experiences and the changing requirements for an incentive -Destination were allowed to share. The first day came to an emotional and impressive conclusion with a visit to the impressive open-air light musical open-air light musical.

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Vinothek
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Lichtspiel in der Nacht

First there were the two half-days of skiing, one in Gröden with a VIP visit to the FIS Ski World Cup Val Gardena Gröden on the world-famous Saslong ski slope and one in Alta Badia – a more beautiful alpine backdrop is hard to imagine. Together with our destination ambassador Alia Radetti, former Italian champion in freeriding, founder of DMC Dream Beyond and an absolute bundle of energy, we literally flew down the slopes – after all, all participants of this trip were very good skiers. The magic of the slopes was rounded off and interrupted several times in the most positive sense by South Tyrolean culinary highlights. Because if you think that the obligatory Kaiserschmarren or pea soup is the norm in the ski hut, you will be taught a better lesson in South Tyrol: South Tyrolean culinary experiences take place high on the mountain just as much as in the valley – ours was a 5-course lunch menu with accompanying beer tasting in the famous family-run ski hut Saslonch Skihütte on the first day of skiing in Saslong and a multi-course lunchtime treat in the legendaryt Piz Arlara mountain restaurant on the second day of skiing in Alta Badia. The evening of our ski day in Alta Badia started with a small surprise buffet with mulled wine and a romantic fire bowl in the deep snow conjured up by Dream Beyond, before we went up the mountain in the full moon to the famous Club Morizinho on the Sellaronda, in which we were spoiled with a 4-course dinner. We went down with a snow groomer – an unforgettable experience!

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Skirennen
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Ski

The ladies particularly liked our two beautiful hotels La Majun in La Villa and the Hotel Fischer in Cleran, both very personally run family businesses, whose history we can smell from the owners.

One of the highlights of the trip – and at the same time certainly the strongest personal impulse for development and healing was the group meditation with Kornelia Schwitzer, founder of Silberquarzit High Efficient Soul Experience, who carried out a deep experience and a guided meditation on a soul level with our group, where the participants came into contact with themselves, with their deepest fears and paths of healing.

Finally, the ladies were allowed to practice their shooting skills in the Biathlon Zentrum Antholz, whose meeting rooms we were personally shown by the General Secretary Erika Pallhuber from the OC Committee, before we ended our dreamlike and eventful weekend in the impressive Huberalm.

MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Biathlon
MICE Ladies Südtirol 2021 Ski Snow More - Biathlon

Janine Leonberger, Director Operations Marbet GmbH: “I am full of energy as I look back on an unforgettable MICE Ladies Trip. It was a pleasure to meet such wonderful women. Thank you for four power days in your company and for the trusting, profound, open and honest discussions. What was special for me was being able to experience the South Tyrolean warmth with all my senses. The team and the women on site made this trip a unique experience!”

“Our deepest wish is that our participants go home inspired, strengthened, elated and full of new ideas from our emotional experiences and encounters and have made many new contacts that have helped them personally and professionally. And we succeeded, together with our wonderful partners in South Tyrol. I’m sure that the MICE Ladies will be able to wholeheartedly recommend and sell South Tyrol as a destination for their next plans!” says Tanja Knecht, founder of the MICE Ladies.

MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip Innsbruck

Innsbruck am Inn | Innsbruck on the river Inn| © Innsbruck Tourismus / Mario Webhofer

Adventure and valuable encounters in a wonderful MICE destination.

The Innsbruck Convention Bureau – together with the Convention Bureau Tirol – hosted the MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip, which took place from October 22nd to 24th, 2021 in Innsbruck and the surrounding area.

Sheroes Trip – Innsbruck 2021 – Mice Ladies

We laid our heads in the stylish city hotel Das Innsbruck right in the center – the 4* hotel, where the heart of the city beats, combines alpine charm with stylish design. The hotel is located exactly where the history of Innsbruck began – at the Inn Bridge, which gave the city its name – and is built on the foundations of the former city walls. This charming boutique hotel with alpine flair and a spacious wellness area, which the MICE ladies were able to enjoy extensively, is ideal for “boutique conventions” and small groups.

MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Teilnehmerinnen

Initiator Christine Stelzer, Managing Director of the Innsbruck Convention Bureau, explains: “For me, the power of the Innsbruck mountains is the same as the power of the MICE ladies. The exchange with these powerful women was very enriching and motivating with regard to the future of the MICE business. I hope that we were able to inspire lasting enthusiasm with the offer of Destination Innsbruck!”

“We were incredibly honored to welcome the MICE Ladies in Tyrol – networking is everything and we were very happy to bring these strong women closer to all facets of Tyrol!” adds Veronika Schumann, Team Lead Convention Bureau Tyrol about her experience the MICE ladies.

The program started in the spirit of lively learning formats with the “SHEROES City Day”, which made the city of Innsbruck tangible from the perspective of historical and contemporary women, including culinary delights in the traditional family business Café Munding run by strong women. The evening awaited with a culinary highlight in the elite Restaurant Sitzwohl in a former school building. The restaurant, successfully run by two strong women, is one of the top gourmet addresses in Innsbruck – while enjoying the exclusive tasting menu, we were personally greeted by the boss Irmgard Sitzwohl and were able to learn her personal story.

MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Stadt
MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Tesla

The second day was all under the motto “SHEROES Action Day”, on which the ladies not only had a lot of fun driving excavators and squirrels in a team outdoor challenge in the Offroad Arena Axams, but also playfully tested their male and female skills could try and use. The day was accompanied by a strong female personality from Innsbruck, the former snowboard world champion Snowboardweltmeisterin Heidi Neururer, who shared her very personal story and how she deals with crises and conveyed the strong power of nature to the group through meditation in the forest. We ended the evening in one of the traditional, family-run Hotel Sailer in one of the ancient, cozy rooms.

MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Zieselfahren Offroad Arena Axams
MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Action

The concluding “SHEROES Science Day” started with a personal tour through the world-famous Swarovski Crystal Worlds and culminated in the highlight of this third day: the keynote speech by an impressive female physicist: Dr. Steinmüller-Nethl, Gründerin der CarbonCompetence GmbH, in the Werkstätten Wattens – creative and Co-Working area in the former Swarowski factory – which the women enthusiastically received.

Abgerundet wurde der Tag bei einem köstlichen Tiroler-Thailändischen Lunch der Tirolerin Carollne Hanisch, die mit ihrem Event-Catering Unternehmen thailicious Moments ihre Leidenschaft zum Beruf gemacht hat und mit ihrer Mutter Tuk hochwertige Menues frisch vor den Augen der Gäste zubereitet.

The day was rounded off with a delicious Tyrolean-Thai lunch by the Tyrolean Caroline Hanisch, who has turned her passion into a profession with her event catering company thailicious Moments and who, together with her mother Tuk, prepares high-quality menus fresh in front of the guests.

“Thank you very much for this lastingly inspiring and impressive weekend in Innsbruck. Variety and motivation in every respect, strong stories by strong women for strong women in front of an exciting backdrop – where urbanity meets nature and people connect, new ideas are allowed!” Gabriele Preisinger, Head of New Business at the agency We are Family, sums up her impressions of the MICE Ladies SHEROES trip in Innsbruck.

MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Heidi Neururer
MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Meditation
MICE Ladies SHEROES Trip nach Innsbruck 2021 - Werksküche
Swarovski Innsbruck - Bild: Innsbruck Tourismus

Bild: Innsbruck Tourismus

The basic idea of the MICE Ladies is to personally network and strengthen women in the meetings industry through meaningful and inspiring experiences and at the same time to enrich their destination knowledge in special cities, regions and locations. In dialogue and workshop formats and in personal contact with strong women from the guest destination, the participants learn enriching stories and can exchange ideas personally – on very practical topics such as the compatibility of work and family, especially in the meetings industry, but also about that deep themes like resilience in times of crisis and believing in yourself.

The special thing about the concept: Strong female personalities from the guest destinations show the MICE ladies their homeland and thus provide inspiring new perspectives and a completely new approach to the destination. Shared experiences with the destination ambassadors in and with nature have a lasting effect: on an emotional, cognitive and physical level.

Was sagen unsere Teilnehmerinnen?

Was sagt die Destination?